I Want to Change the Current Location Blue Marker Color in Flutter: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Ganon - hkhazo.biz.id

I Want to Change the Current Location Blue Marker Color in Flutter: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of the default blue marker color in Flutter’s Google Maps widget? Do you want to customize the current location marker to match your app’s branding? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to change the current location blue marker color in Flutter with ease.

Understanding the Google Maps Widget

The Google Maps widget in Flutter is a powerful tool for displaying interactive maps within your app. It provides a range of features, including marker customization, map styling, and gesture recognition. However, by default, the current location marker is displayed as a blue dot, which may not be suitable for your app’s design.

Why Change the Default Blue Marker Color?

There are several reasons why you may want to change the default blue marker color:

  • Branding consistency**: Your app’s branding may require a specific color scheme, and the default blue marker color may clash with it.
  • Accessibility**: The default blue marker color may not be accessible for users with visual impairments. Changing the color can improve the overall user experience.
  • Customization**: You may want to differentiate your app from others by customizing the marker color to match your app’s unique design.

Step 1: Add the Google Maps Flutter Package

Before we dive into changing the marker color, make sure you have the Google Maps Flutter package installed in your project. Add the following dependency to your `pubspec.yaml` file:

    sdk: flutter
  google_maps_flutter: ^2.0.1

Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.

Step 2: Create a GoogleMap Widget

Create a new widget that will display the Google Map. In this example, we’ll use a `Scaffold` widget with a `GoogleMap` widget as its body:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';

class MapWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  _MapWidgetState createState() => _MapWidgetState();

class _MapWidgetState extends State<MapWidget> {
  GoogleMapController _mapController;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: GoogleMap(
        onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) {
          _mapController = controller;
        initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
          target: LatLng(37.7749, -122.4194),
          zoom: 12,

Step 3: Add a Marker for the Current Location

To display a marker for the current location, you’ll need to use the `Marker` class from the `google_maps_flutter` package. Create a new method that adds a marker to the map:

void _addMarker() {
      position: LatLng(37.7749, -122.4194),
      icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker,

In this example, we’re using the default marker icon, which is a blue dot. We’ll change this icon later to a custom color.

Step 4: Change the Marker Color

To change the marker color, you’ll need to create a custom marker icon. You can use the `BitmapDescriptor.fromAssetImage` method to load a custom image from your assets:

Future<BitmapDescriptor> _createCustomMarkerIcon() async {
  final Uint8List imageData = await AssetImage('assets/custom_marker.png').evict();
  return BitmapDescriptor.fromBytes(imageData);

In this example, we’re loading a custom marker image from the `assets` folder. You can replace this with your own custom image.

Step 5: Update the Marker Icon

Update the `_addMarker` method to use the custom marker icon:

void _addMarker() async {
  final BitmapDescriptor customIcon = await _createCustomMarkerIcon();
      position: LatLng(37.7749, -122.4194),
      icon: customIcon,

Now, when you call the `_addMarker` method, it will add a marker with your custom icon to the map.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to consider:

  • Use a different marker shape**: You can use a different marker shape by loading a custom image with the desired shape. For example, you can use a circular or square marker.
  • Animate the marker**: You can animate the marker by using the `MarkerAnimation` class. This can create a more engaging user experience.
  • Use a clustering library**: If you have a large number of markers, consider using a clustering library like `flutter_marker_cluster` to group nearby markers.


Changing the current location blue marker color in Flutter is a straightforward process that requires just a few lines of code. By following these steps, you can customize the marker color to match your app’s branding and improve the overall user experience. Remember to experiment with different marker shapes, animations, and clustering libraries to create a unique and engaging map experience.

Property Description
MarkerOptions.position Sets the marker’s position on the map.
MarkerOptions.icon Sets the marker’s icon. Can be a custom image or a default icon.
BitmapDescriptor.fromAssetImage Loads a custom image from the assets folder.

By following this guide, you should now be able to change the current location blue marker color in Flutter and create a custom map experience that delights your users.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to revamp the look of your Flutter app’s blue marker!

How do I change the color of the default blue marker in Flutter?

You can change the color of the default blue marker in Flutter by using the `markerOptions` property of the `GoogleMap` widget. Simply pass a `MarkerOptions` object with the desired color to the `markerOptions` property. For example: `markerOptions: MarkerOptions(icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarkerWithHue( BitmapDescriptor.hueGreen))`. This will change the marker color to green.

Can I use a custom image as the marker icon?

Yes, you can use a custom image as the marker icon by using the `BitmapDescriptor.fromAssetImage` method. This method allows you to load an image from an asset and use it as the marker icon. For example: `markerOptions: MarkerOptions(icon: BitmapDescriptor.fromAssetImage(‘assets/my_marker_icon.png’))`. Make sure to add the image to your assets and declare it in your `pubspec.yaml` file.

How do I change the marker color dynamically based on certain conditions?

You can change the marker color dynamically by creating a conditional statement that updates the `markerOptions` property based on certain conditions. For example, you can use a ternary operator to change the color based on a boolean condition: `markerOptions: myCondition ? MarkerOptions(icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarkerWithHue( BitmapDescriptor.hueGreen)) : MarkerOptions(icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarkerWithHue( BitmapDescriptor.hueRed))`. This will change the marker color to green if `myCondition` is true and to red if it’s false.

Can I use a different marker shape or style?

Yes, you can use a different marker shape or style by using the `icon` property of the `MarkerOptions` object. You can pass a `BitmapDescriptor` object with a custom icon to the `icon` property. For example, you can use a custom SVG icon or a font icon from a package like `font_awesome_flutter`. You can also use a ` Circle` or `Polygon` shape as the marker icon by using the `Circle` or `Polygon` classes from the `google_maps_flutter` package.

Where can I find more information about customizing markers in Flutter?

You can find more information about customizing markers in Flutter by checking out the official `google_maps_flutter` package documentation and the Flutter documentation. Additionally, you can search for tutorials and examples on websites like Medium, Stack Overflow, and GitHub. You can also join online communities like the Flutter Slack channel or Reddit’s r/FlutterDev to ask questions and get help from other developers.